Would You Like to Simplify and Accelerate Your Path to Becoming Data-Driven?

Get your own private copy of ADEA - Accelerated Data Enablement Architecture. It's the 'framework of frameworks' that removes the complexities of transforming data into value.

Are you a data or business leader who...

Is determined to unlock the full potential of data?

Wants rapid, tangible, and lasting benefits from your data technology investments?

Seeks to simplify and accelerate how your organisation uses data?

Simplified and accelerated approaches you can implement in weeks, not years.

Practical and actionable insights on what to do, why, how and when.

Realistic and affordable solutions to achieve the most with the tech you already have.

Accelerated Data Enablement Architecture

A faster, better, and more affordable route to data value

In a world where organisations often find themselves more 'data-busy' than 'data-driven', ADEA provides a clear path to data value, by simplifying and accelerating ways of extracting meaningful insights from data, and maximising the potential of data assets.

Your organisation is 'data-driven' when data is measurably and cost-effectively driving the achievement of your organisation's goals.

'Data-busy' is the opposite. It's when you're investing time, money, and energy in data, but seeing little tangible benefit.

You know you're more data-busy than data-driven, when there's loads of reports and dashboards that people seldom use. Or when no-one can explain how specific data insights are driving key decisions and actions. Or when people spend more time hunting for data than using it. Or when data quality issues are fixed in spreadsheets...

Be Data-Driven, Not Data-Busy.

Get your own private copy of ADEA, today!

Want to find out more?

Get in touch with our Data Strategist Phil Husbands