Change & Experience
We enable business and digital transformation that is sustainable even when the project ends. We do this through data driven insights, change management, training and effective communication.
Getting people to change behaviours requires a different mindset and a different set of leadership skills than making decisions about strategy. Therefore getting both mindset and behavioural change right across the organisation requires understanding and embracing both objective and subjective views regarding what’s happening, what needs to happen and how to get there.
Competition to retain employees has never been higher we work with you to translate your purpose into tangible value for employees, and transform the performance, engagement and loyalty of your people.
Now more than ever organisations need a way to differentiate their brand and engage candidates effectively. We work with your teams to map out your candidates journeys and speak to candidates to understand pain points to make real recommendations. Our team recognizes the value of measurement, recommending key metrics and allowing you to assess future candidate engagement.
We work with you to improve engagement and engage audiences in a more interactive way. By simplifying complex messages through video and infographics, we enable you to build a better brand culture in your organisation.
We break down the barriers to change to accelerate adoption and enable new ways of working, helping you to succeed and meet your business objectives. Our approach is people-centric, we take principles from Design Thinking to focus on problems that are complex by nature, and on problems that are focused on people.
When we look at cultural change, or project change we understand the impact this has on employees over experience in an organisation. Our approach ensures the employee experience is at the heart of change. We help improve the experience from their initial interaction with you all the way to their final impression.
Using principles based from behavioural science we make sure we understand change from an employee or end user point of view. Our techniques ensure behaviours are changed for the long term not just the duration of a project.


Want to find out more?
Get in touch with our expert Louisa Bell